(00:00): I'm also telling you that a weapon is a weapon as a weapon. And the fact of the matter is what is being injected into the arms of little kids today. Today, right now what's being injected into their arms is a weapon. And if we actually called it a weapon, we'd have parents less likely to take their kids to assassination. So let's start calling it what it is. Let's not be pro or anti-vax, let's be anti the assassination of children. How's that? I'm anti assassination of children. Okay. Let's, let's correct that I think I can confidently say I'm just anti assassination. I don't think I need to have children peace, but apparently to appeal to certain people's sense of ethics and morals or something, we, we figured that there's an age of assassination, which is okay. My view is assassination is probably where we should stop. So the over 60 fives can rest easy. I'm not out to get you yet, but if you don't send this to your age or your us attorney, I don't know, we can talk.